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Leadership Assignment Part 3

PME 820: Aboriginal Leadership and Knowledge in the Classroom and School 

                              Task Questions:


Describe the leadership model for education in your community.  Relate this model to what you have learned in this course so far.  Where can other communities learn from your community?  Where can you learn and improve upon your leadership model?

Leadership Models at Eenchokay Birchstick School 

How can our leadership models improve? 


  • Improving interdepartmental communications to avoid miscommunication; 

  • Choosing adapative leadership to fit the situations and environment on any given day;

  • Hone collaborative inquiry amongst staff; 

  • Practice modesty and sensitivity towards all staff;

  • Build trust amongst staff and show constituents that they are self-sacrificing; 

  • Perform and stay true to the core values of the school vision;

  • Ensure staff are part of discussions/major decisions and that their voices are heard. 

What can we learn about our leadership model (what needs to be looked into): 


  • Focus on all departments being supportive and respectful of one another; 

  • Understand that team-oriented and humane-oriented leadership leads to better work performance and higher morale;

  • Work on administrative competence and job security. 


Other communites can learn from Pikangikum First Nations by: 


  • Integrating culture, land-based and traditional language in their curriculum;

  • Adapting a servant-leadership model of education;

  • Recognizing that resiliency is key to success for Indigenous students;

  • Language retention is fundamentally important to the identity of FNMI students. 

The leadership models for education in Pikangikum First Nations is as follows: 


  • ​​Our school implements various leadership models depending on the department and their role(s) such as: 

    • Participative

    • Humane-oriented

    • Self-protective leadership 

    • Servant-leadership 

    • Autonomous leadership

    • Team-oriented leadership



How our leadership model excels: 


  • The majority of school staff seek to inspire and motivate one another;

  • We are making major strides to include Indigenous cross-curricular lessons throughout all lessons (due to the support of local language teachers); 

  • Our leaders are major visionaries and have a passion for Indigenous education which then encourages other staff to step up and take part of truth and reconciliation as a united front. 

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