Professional Masters of Education: Magdalena Brzoska's Journey
Queen's University Kingston, ON Canada
PME 800 SRL Inquiry Project
My Goal: safeTALK
My goal is: By October 19th, 2017 I will have organized and presented a safeTALK Session for new staff at the school with focus on reading new material regarding suicide awareness via the Living Works website (minimum of 3 new articles from their website).
1. Preparing for delivering this safeTALK session will allow me to be in the "learning zone" when it comes to presenting and discussing the topic of suicide awareness and help with participants. I will be able to reflect on what we as a team could do better next time. As Eduardo Briceno puts it, " The observation, reflection and adjustment is a learning zone. "
2. This goal will give me the opportunity to self-regulate as I will have to engage in updated information on the website that trainers should read and I will be taking care of all the aspects of event planning.
3. The goal aligns with my personal values and passion regarding the community and the students I work with. I hope to get as many new staff at our school trained as possible, so that we are all educated in what to look for or notice in regards to suicide prevention.
*If you would like to know what safeTALK is or more about it:
This goal is extremely important for staff that work in the area because we have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.