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PME 811 (Post 7): Transcending the Classroom

My original question which framed my PME 811 Blog was: Why is Indigenous language and culture retention important in the classroom?

Needless to say, there are a myraid of reasons why Indigenous language, culture and education is vitally important in the classroom such as: promoting self-identity, eradicating ignorance, teaching the truth, ridding people of stereotypes, reclaiming and revitalizing indigenous languages and cultures.

Not only are the above reasons important to understand why indigenous language and culture retention in the classroom are important, but we must understand that these experiences and learning transcend the classroom.

Retaining and reclaiming indigenous language and culture within schools across Canada not only impact Indigenous people positively, but it also helps all Canadians learn and respect the history behind Canada. The true history.

We will begin to see more and more indigenous youth graduating highschool, obtaining careers that they dream of and break free of stereotypes and barriers that have been oppressing the FNMI people for countless years.

What I believe we will see is a united Canada. One that values all citizens, particularly the First Peoples. A Canada that truly acts upon truth and reconciliation, not just talks about it.

What are your thoughts? How do you think retaining indigenous languages and cultures will change the future of Canada? How will it change the future of FNMI peoples?



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