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PME 811(Post 2): What Indigenous communities are near you? Who is Indigenous in the classroom, or pa

One thing that we can all do not only as Educators but in any sector of work we are in, is get to know the people and the history of where we are around us.

Think to yourself..what traditional Indigenous territory are you living on, working on etc.? If you don't, why don't you look into it?

Find out. Look into the culture, the language and get to know more about where you are.

Get to know the people you work with. Where are they from? Learning about different cultures, perspectives and worldviews is nothing short but a necessity we all need to acknowledge if we are going to be a positive impact when it comes to Truth and Reconciliation.

Now you might be thinking how do I find out what traditional Indigenous territory do I live in, work in, visit etc?

Go to the following website (It is a work in progress) and type in your location.

I typed in my parents home address and found out what land I am on. It really gives me perspective and makes me want to know more about the people and the culture that were oppressed just so that I now I have a place I call home.

Where are you located? What traditional territory do you live on? What does that mean to you?

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