The end is just the beginning...
Although I have reached the end of my self-monitoring document's proximal and distal goals, this is just the beginning for me in regards to my professional and personal journey with self-regulated learning.
My SRL journey in regards to my inquiry project has shed so much light on how I used to try and attain goals, how I currently attain my goals and how I want to change my SRL in the future.
Some things I've learned about myself during the IP:
1. Feedback from my peers, colleagues, family and friends is important. Sometimes having an unbiased opinion regarding one's goals can help us take different perspectives and learn something new about ourselves. Also, providing feedback towards others Inquiry Projects provided me with more confidence in what I was doing and it made me feel really good trying to help other people. It felt like we were a team and we were there to help one another out. I wasn't alone and neither were they.
2. Reflecting has brought me closer to understanding my own intrinsic motivations, and what environmental or personal situations tend to leave me burnt out or unmotivated. I know what to look out for when I feel stressed out and the plan of action I can take in order to take a step back and re-assess and relax and try again.
3. Performance & Planning is a phase of SRL that I no longer will complete like I used to. Having a self-monitoring document literally made my life so much easier in attaining my goals when things got tough and all these other things that were affecting me. Having proximal and distal goals outlined really helped me keep on track, minimized the anxiety one gets from major projects and I felt more motivated to complete things as I saw my document was getting fuller and fuller. I was accomplishing things!!
Please click the image below to be re-directed to my self monitoring document for this inquiry project.